Our Address


Street: Zinkstraat 70

Postal code: 4823AC

City: Breda

Country: The Netherlands

Phone:   +31 76 541 0033 

Email:     info@bakkerennl.nl

Our Departments


If you have any questions regarding sales-related business, please email to sales@bakkerennl.nl or call Robbert Sutarzewicz at +31 76 541 0033.


If you have any questions regarding backoffice related business please contact Ms Miriam Brouwers via backoffice@bakkerennl.nl


If you have any questions regarding logistics-related business, please email to logistics@bakkerennl.nl or call Robbert Sutarzewicz at +31 76 541 0033.

Postal addres

You also can write to all departments via: P.O. Box 8814, 4820 BC, Breda, The Netherlands


If you have any questions regarding export related business, please email to export@bakkerennl.nl or call Robbert Sutarzewicz at +31 76 541 0033.

Regional Agents

You also can contact an agent in your neighbourhood by emailing your information to info@bakkerennl.nl. Our regional agent will contact you.
